📂Carcols Fixer

Documentation for Carcols Fixer.

This resource requires a working FiveM server.

License & Download

Once you have completed the payment, you will get access to the product in your profile page where you can download the resource, and manage the license to the product.

You can find the License Key to your product in the license page.

You need to make sure the Authorized IP in the license page matches your servers IP (do not include the port).

Setting Up In Server
  1. Download the product from the profile page.

  2. Once the download is completed, unzip the folder.

  3. Once unzipped, drag & drop the folder into your server resources.

  4. Open the config.json file, inside you will find the following:

        "licensekey": "LICENSE_KEY_HERE",
        "skipResources": [ "PATH/TO/RESOURCE", "PATH/TO/RESOURCE2" ],
        "checkSirenIDs": true,
        "checkLightIDs": true
  5. Replace the LICENSE_KEY_HERE text with your license key.

  6. If you wish to skip some resources, you can put the path to the resource in the "skipResources". Paths need to be literal paths (for example: /home/fxserver/server-data/resources/NORTHERNMODS), and should be inside quotes ("") , paths need to be separated by a comma (,).

  7. You can disable checking sirenSettings IDs by setting the "checkSirenIDs" to false

  8. You can disable checking lightSettings IDs by setting the "checkLightIDs" to false

To make sure the resource works, do not modify anything other than the config.json file.

Next move to Starting Resource.

Starting Resource

The resource will begin fixing carcols IDs automatically as soon as it is started.

  1. Type refresh in the server console.

  2. To start the resource type ensure CarcolsFixer in the server console.

  3. If you want the resource to run once the server restarts open your server.cfg file, and add a new line: ensure CarcolsFixer

Common Issues

Info: <>: Couldn't find any ID, will use a random number. This highly likely means you have over 255 different IDs already.

This will lead to some vehicles to break! This means there are more than 255 different sirenSettingsIDs, which is the limit in GTA V. There is currently no work around for this limit other than a client sided solution here, but this will only fix the issue for clients that have the script installed.

Error: <>: Unexpected close tag

This means the carcols or carvartions file in the path given in the error has invalid syntax. To fix this, make sure to check the syntax of the file. The error doesn't effect fixing other files.

Error: Missing permission for directory: <>

This means that the script doesn't have access to the folder the script is trying to access. This doesn't break anything, but the directory will be skipped.

To fix this make sure the script has access to the path.

Last updated

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